Saturday, October 21, 2017

Pope slams 'eugenic' mentality that seeks to eliminate disability

By Elise Harris
.- On Saturday, Pope Francis issued a harsh condemnation of the underlying eugenic mentality in society that leads many to abort children who are are disabled, saying the Church must be a place of acceptance and welcome for all who are vulnerable.
While great strides have been made in recent years in terms of recognizing the dignity of every person, especially the weakest and most vulnerable, “at the cultural level there are still expressions that undermine the dignity of these people due to the prevalence of a false conception of life,” the Pope said Oct. 21.
“An often narcissistic and utilitarian vision unfortunately leads not a few to consider people with disabilities as marginal, without perceiving in them the multifaceted human and spiritual wealth,” he said.
Far too prevalent in common thought is also “an attitude of rejection” toward people with disabilities, as if their handicap “impedes them from being happy and fully realizing themselves,” he said.
“This is proven by the eugenic tendency to suppress the unborn who have some form of imperfection.”
An example of this “eugenics” mentality is a recent article in CBS News claiming that Iceland has come close to being the first country to “eradicate” Down syndrome, meaning they are aborting every unborn child found to have the condition.

Pope Francis offered his comments to participants in a Vatican-sponsored conference dedicated to catechesis for those with intellectual disabilities, titled “Catechesis and Persons with Disabilities: A Necessary Engagement in the Daily Pastoral Life of the Church.”
Taking place Oct. 20-22 at the Pontifical Urbanianum University in Rome, the conference drew over 420 people who work in catechesis from professions and countries all over the world, as well as people with disabilities themselves.
Among the participants is Bridget Brown, a young actress, speaker and prolife advocate with Down syndrome. In a letter written to the Pope, Brown said her heart breaks to think that “I might be the last generation of people with Down syndrome.”
“The world will never again benefit from our gifts,” she said, explaining that she does not “suffer” from the condition, but is “filled with joy” to be alive.
Referring to German dictator Adlof Hitler and the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. commemorating the thousands of people who died under the Nazi regime, Brown noted how people with disabilities were often the first to be killed.
“It seems to me we are doing the same thing to children with disabilities today in our country,” she said. However, despite being discouraged, Brown said she has hope for people with disabilities, and prays for people “who think we don't have the right to live.”
In his speech, Pope Francis said the response to this “eugenic tendency” must be one of love. “Not the false, clever and pious kind,” he said, “but the one that is true, concrete and respectful.”
To the extent that people with disabilities are “welcomed, loved, included in the community and accompanied to look to the future with confidence,” a true path of life develops and “lasting happiness is experienced.”
This goes for everyone, but even more so the most fragile, he said, adding that faith is “a great companion” which allows these people to feel God's presence closely, no matter their condition.
Francis said that as far as the Church goes, she cannot be “voiceless” or “out of tune” in the defense and promotion of people with disabilities.

“Her closeness to families helps them to overcome the loneliness which they often risk closing themselves into due to a lack of attention and support,” he said, adding that to have this closeness is even more important for those who form others in the Christian life.
Neither words nor gestures can be missing for “the encounter and welcome of people with disabilities,” especially in the liturgy, he said, because this encounter with the Lord and the community is a source of “hope and courage” on a path that isn't easy.
Catechesis, then, “is called to discover and experience coherent forms so that each person, with their gifts, their limits and their disabilities, even serious ones, is able to encounter Jesus on their path and abandon themselves to him in faith.”
“No physical or psychological limit can ever be an impediment to this encounter, because the face of Christ is shown in the intimacy of every person,” the Pope said, stressing that everyone, but especially ministers of the Church, must be careful “not to fall into the neo-pelagian error of not recognizing the need for the strength of grace which comes from the Sacraments of Christian initiation.”
The Church and her ministers must learn to “intelligently 'invent' adequate instruments” of catechesis to ensure that no one lacks “the support of grace,” he said.
Catechists must be formed, “first of all by example,” who are “increasingly able to accompany these people so that they grow in faith and give their genuine and unique contribution to the Church,” he said.
Pope Francis closed his address voicing hope that within the Christian community, people with disabilities can themselves increasingly “be catechists, even with their testimony, to transmit the faith in a more effective way.”
Though his speech was little over 10 minutes long, the Pope stayed with the group for more than an hour, personally shaking hands with participants.

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Monday, October 16, 2017

Mark Latham: ALP is full of useful idiots assisting cultural Marxism

Image result for useful idiots

Mark Latham, The Daily Telegraph

When Vladimir Lenin coined the phrase “useful idiots” in politics, he gave us a handy way of understanding Bill Shorten’s Labor Party.
As identity politics has taken hold of our major public institutions and private companies, Labor politicians have played along.
In wanting to help so-called “oppressed minorities”, they have fallen into the trap of naively assisting the far more dangerous agenda of cultural Marxism.
media_cameraMark Latham. Picture: Harold David

In the eyes of this far-Left movement, they are very useful idiots.
With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, most people thought Marxism had been defeated.
But this was only true of economic Marxism — government control of the means of production.
Like a scene from a Terminator movie, neo-Marxists reassembled themselves, morphing into an even more menacing force.
They adopted the tactics of the Italian writer Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937). Instead of seeking economic control, they pursued cultural control by manipulating the beliefs, values and language of society.
Gramsci proposed a “long march through the institutions”, steadily taking over universities, schools, media outlets and government agencies by appointing like-minded people to senior positions.
media_cameraKarl Marx argued for state control of production.
media_cameraAntonio Gramsci argued that socialists should first control culture, beliefs and values of a society before being able to control the economy.

Sound familiar?
This is what has happened to Australia over the past 20 years. Political correctness is being used to control our language.
Gender fluidity courses in schools are being used to teach young people there is no such thing as fixed, biological science.
Post-structuralist Marxism is now the dominant ideology in Australia’s universities, such that students are being made to “unlearn” all prior knowledge and to regard history, science and even education itself as “capitalist constructs”.
Employment quotas and theories of “unconscious bias” are dismantling merit-based recruitment, with people hired by the medieval habit of how they look (skin colour and gender).
The overall impact has been to create a society devoid of certainty, drained of institutional ballast.
Cultural Marxism aims to convince people their true beliefs and identities in life are being repressed, that in feeling anxious and uneasy, they need to rise up against the existing social order.
It’s a powerful movement that started in the underbelly of our institutions and now dominates around 80 per cent of Australian public life.
The rest of us, the 20 per cent, are the resistance.
I say these things from a background in the right-wing of the Labor Party, where I fought the Left internally on most issues.
But I’m not the only one saying it.
Peter Baldwin, the intellectual leader of the Socialist Left faction in the period of the Hawke and Keating governments, has been making similar points.
He has called for a new political alliance: for conservatives, libertarians and traditional social democrats to unite in preserving the values of the 17th-century Enlightenment.
To defend freedom, science and reason.
To fight for fraternity: bringing people together in common cause.
This is where Shorten and Labor have lost the plot. Identity politics is an incredibly divisive doctrine.
It pits Australians against each other: black versus white, female versus male, gay versus straight.
The neo-Marxists like it this way, as it creates the preconditions of political unrest: large parts of society agitating on spurious grounds.
Why would Labor ever endorse it?
media_cameraOpposition Leader Bill Shorten sees Aboriginals, migrants and females as victims, according to Mark Latham. Picture: Kym Smith

The founding purpose of social democracy is to encourage co-operation between people, transcending self-interest and superficial differences such as skin colour.
Under Shorten’s leadership, the ALP has ditched this kind of thinking.
It’s now a wholly owned subsidiary of identity politics, where questions of race, gender and sexuality are central to its policymaking.
Shorten believes Australia is so bigoted that a democratic vote on same-sex marriage would force large numbers of gay people to kill themselves — a false prophecy.
He sees Aboriginal, migrant and female Australians as victims of institutionalised prejudice.
He has said an ALP government will actively discriminate in favour of these groups.
This means more safe space segregation, more language policing, more radical gender theory, more job quotas and more damaging social division.
In effect, the Daniel Andrews Labor model in Victoria will be imported to Canberra.
These policies are not only wrong but unnecessary. Research has consistently shown Australia to be one of the most tolerant nations on earth.
A major study inside the Prime Minister’s Department earlier this year found that, if anything, we tend to overcompensate in supporting women, migrants and Aborigines, in giving them a fair go.
media_cameraMark Latham believes the Yes campaign is remarkably unconcerned by the need to protect religious freedoms. Picture: AAP

For the cultural Marxists, the purpose of identity politics is not to empower so-called minorities but to tear down perceived majorities — most notably, white straight men.
In the same-sex marriage debate, for instance, the Yes campaign is remarkably unconcerned by the need to protect religious freedoms.
Christians are expected to suffer into the future, just as gays claim to have suffered in the past.
Similarly, radical left feminists are not intent on empowering women, but disenfranchising men — to make them pay for past perceptions of privilege.
Recently, a Mark Latham’s Outsiders viewer wrote to me describing how, in his workplace in Melbourne, men were being sacked under a policy of eliminating “stale, pale males”.
Division of this kind is sparking bitter resentment.
It’s destroying social capital and the cause of Labor.
The one person with a moral duty to speak out against it is Shorten.
Yet he sees his role as egging it on.
This is a stunning betrayal of social democracy: a Labor leader who has lit a Bonfire of the Vengeances, with Australians fighting each other on the basis of race, gender and sexuality.
Truly a useful idiot.
Taken from:

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Sydney University's Descent Into Dark Ignorance

The Evolutionists have it the wrong way around. They did not evolve from ignorant brutes. Instead, they have finally evolved into ignorant brutes.

Case in point:

Bella d’Abrera: Sydney Uni wants students to unlearn civilisation

Australia’s oldest and most prestigious institution of higher education, the University of Sydney, has reached an all- time low. In a remarkable act of institutional suicide, the university has introduced a compulsory initiative to “unlearn”.
In one fell swoop, it has done ­itself out of a job.
Under the guise of promoting ­research and its role in the changing world, the driving force behind the enterprise is to teach students to “challenge the established, and question the accepted”.
media_cameraDr Bella d'Abrera. Picture: Stuart McEvoy for the Australian.

In other words, it’s telling students to forget any preconceived ideas they might have about such things as “truth”, “love”, “medicine” and “criminal”, and to ­replace them with new ones.
Out with the old, in with the new. Under the section entitled “Criminal”, the website informs us that protecting our borders is not really necessary.
And if you think “truth” is ­objective, think again.
According to the university, we live in a post-truth world, where everything is true and everything is false.
One of its Orwellian “Post Truth” initiatives is to be the authority for fact-checking fake news. But how will it do this if it doesn’t believe in truth or facts in the first place?
Unsurprisingly, the section on “love” is a pitch for same-sex marriage. Modern “medicine” it continues, might just be overrated.
media_cameraThe Quadrangle at the University of Sydney. Picture: AAP

On Tuesday, the university ventured out of academia into the world of commerce by issuing a press release in which a leading ­researcher at the University of Sydney Business School urged both students and the rest of society to unlearn the traditional idea of profit and loss in order to build a “sustainable future”.
Just how depriving Australians of the ability to earn a living will “help the community” is an unfathomable mystery.
It’s now clear that even the ideas of economics are being railed against in order to perpetuate ­issues such as climate change, ­sustainability and identity politics nonsense.
Speaking of money, will the university continue to accept the federal Government’s Australian Awards for outstanding contributions to Learning? Surely this would completely contradict this campaign of unlearning.
The Unlearn initiative is completely and utterly at odds with the purpose of education, which is to impart knowledge and to hone the mind.
It’s the exact opposite of curiosity, of progress, of the human thirst for knowledge and a desire to improve both our lot and the lot of others.
Instead, it is promoting unlearning, unknowing and encouraging incuriousness.
So much for the Enlightenment. Without knowledge, it’s impossible to be creative.
When William Charles Wentworth, who is no doubt turning in his grave, first proposed the idea of Australia’s first university in 1850, he envisaged an establishment in which all Australians from every class would be given the opportunity to “become great and useful in the destinies” of this country.
READ MORE: Tim Blair on the rules of a post-truth era

It’s hard to see how students who have been uneducated and deprived of knowledge at the taxpayers’ ­expense will be of any use to ­anyone, let alone the future of ­Australia.
The University of Sydney has gone from teaching students how to think, to what to think, to not to think at all. It is going to produce a generation of ignoramuses.
What then, is the point of sending your children to school at all, if everything they learn will be ­undone at university? This brave new world will be an easy one for academics who might otherwise be expected to know things.
But it would be a mistake to attribute this lunacy only to self-interest. The entire escapade is part of a broader, postmodern movement which has manifested itself as identity politics. Identity politics is a critique of our established institutions and norms, such as equality before the law, parliamentary democracy and freedom of speech.
Our established values, customs and history don’t represent the ­diverse, racial, cultural and gender identities of today, so they must be destroyed.
Identity politics is revolutionary. It says that these institutions are used to oppress, and as long as they exist, groups in society will suffer. So they must be torn down and we must start again.
media_cameraRacks of human skulls and bones from slaughtered Cambodians as part of the Khmer Rouge. Picture: Getty Images

During the French Revolution, after the abolition of the monarchy, they declared it to be Year I. When the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia in 1975, they declared it to be Year Zero. This might be Year -1, the complete negation of history.
And the proponents of this ­ideology have given up being subtle about it. In this latest operation, the university has openly adopted the pattern of teaching which has been eating away at academia since the 1960s.
It’s there, written large on the website.
The “unlearn” initiative is about “breaking down old rules so we can write new ones”.
This is not about freedom, but rather indoctrinating students into a new religion of ignorance, a new kind of groupthink.
The proponents of unlearning ask: “Imagine what could be possible if we all learn to unlearn.”
But if we go down this regressive road of unlearning, nothing will be possible at all.