Thursday, April 11, 2019

Help End Abortion in Texas!

Help End Abortion in Texas!
Dear Friend,

God is working mightily in Texas, and the outcome will have a HUGE nationwide impact!

My friends at Abolish Abortion Texas just scored a major win in the battle to end abortion.

Now they need our help.

Please read Bradley’s email, below, and take action right away!

With your help, we can stop the tragedy that is abortion.  They are actually doing it!!

Roe v. Wade began in Texas. It can end in Texas!

Please see the email below, and then join this fight.


Dear Friend,

It’s already been a historic year, but with your help it could be so much more.

And whether or not you live in Texas, we need your help!

Let me get you up to speed before telling you what is needed next.

Just recently, House Bill 896, a bill to completely outlaw abortion in Texas, received a hearing in the Texas House of Representatives.

Advocates for the unborn flooded the Texas Capitol for the historic hearing of HB 896. Sponsored by Rep. Tony Tinderholt, this bill would outlaw abortion in Texas.

Over 400 Texans showed up in Austin to be the voice of the voiceless before the House Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence in support of this legislation.  It is the first of its kind since Roe v. Wade, and quite possibly in the history of our nation.

This committee hearing was only made possible with the prayers, calls, emails, petitions, and personal contacts by God-fearing men and women all over the state.

For weeks, Texans from every corner of our state prayed, signed petitions, and took action to ensure that our bill to abolish abortion was given a hearing.

A week before, when it was still in doubt that it would actually happen, I delivered more than 7,000 petitions to Chairman Jeff Leach’s office.  All of them called on him to do the right thing and give HB 896 a hearing.

This on top of the more than 70,000 petitions we delivered to Governor Greg Abbott at the beginning of session.

By God’s grace, we had a hearing.  But this tremendous moment must become a step on the path to something greater.

Unless Chairman Leach schedules the bill for a vote and it gets the support of the other committee members, it will simply die.

This is why we need your help.  
By signing the petition to abolish abortion in Texas, you will show Chairman Leach and the committee that this vital bill has support both in Texas and across the nation!

You see, time is quickly running out for House Bill 896 to advance out of committee and be brought to the whole House of Representatives for a vote.

That’s why it’s so important for Chairman Leach and the committee members to give House Bill 896 a vote and advance it to the House floor.

Whether you live in Texas or somewhere else, your voice matters!  
YOU can help end abortion and make a difference for our nation.

So please sign the petition encouraging Chairman Leach to give the bill a vote and the committee members to vote for it before it’s too late.

Thanks in advance for your support and activism!

Bradley Pierce
Abolish Abortion Texas

P.S. It’s already been a historic year in Texas, but with your help it could be so much more.

Just recently, House Bill 896, a bill to completely outlaw abortion in Texas, received a hearing in the Texas House of Representatives.

Over 400 Texans showed up in Austin to be the voice of the voiceless before the House Committee on Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence in support of this legislation.  It is the first of its kind since Roe v. Wade, and quite possibly in the history of our nation.

By God’s grace, this was a tremendous moment on the path to something greater.  But unless Chairman Leach schedules the bill for a vote and the committee members vote to approve it, it will all come to naught.

That’s where I could use your help.  And whether or not you live in Texas, you can help end abortion and make a difference for our nation.

Your signature will show that this bill has support both in Texas and nationwide.

Please sign the petition encouraging Rep. Leach and the committee to give House Bill 896 a vote and support it before it’s too late.

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