"The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place". (Apocalypse 1:1)
Monday, June 6, 2016
How the leftist tribe gets its way through appointments to key positions
Andrew BoltHerald Sun
Voting is different this federal election0:30
How voting is different in this years federal election.
NOTICED how the unelected Left is seizing control? Let me give just the latest examples of this putsch.
In Victoria, Roz Ward, a Marxist who calls our flag “racist”, is a university lecturer running a government-funded program teaching children to be more “gender fluid”.
In NSW, Mark Scott, who as ABC boss did not let any conservatives present his main current affairs shows, has now been hired by the Liberal NSW Government to run its Education Department.
Back in Victoria, Fair Work Commissioner Julius Roe, a former Left-wing union official, last week ruled that the far-Left firefighters’ union be given more control over the Country Fire Authority’s volunteers, against their will.
Meanwhile, the latest of a line of Leftist Australians of the Year, former army boss David Morrison, has denounced the word “guys” as sexist — a ludicrous stand backed by the equally Leftist Sex Discrimination Commissioner.
Isn’t this weird?
After all, most Australians are so conservative that they overwhelmingly back tough border laws, and voted for a Liberal Government five times in the past seven federal elections.
Nearly two thirds are Christian and a CSIRO poll last year showed most even rejected or doubted that man’s gases were mostly to blame for any global warming — rejecting a faith so totemic among the Left that academics at two universities banned one sceptical environmentalist, the internationally renowned Professor Bjorn Lomborg, from teaching here.
That’s the problem right there. While the public is basically conservative, the machinery of state — the taxpayer-funded bureaucrats, commissars, educationalists and journalists — seem overwhelmingly of the Left.
How on earth has this happened?
Part of the problem is that Leftists are tribal while conservatives tend to be individualists. That means the Left is better at promoting its own side, right or wrong.
Check two of the above examples, starting with Roz Ward.
Ward is a Marxist — a follower of a despotic creed responsible for the murder of tens of millions of civilians in Russia, China, Cambodia, Vietnam and elsewhere.
Yet Ward has no trouble finding a state-funded job in our universities, teaching students and coaching tomorrow’s teachers.
She also writes articles for Marxist publications in which she’s abused Immigration Minister Peter Dutton as a “sexist prick”, protective services officers at railway stations as “uniformed thugs”, and the Liberal Government as guilty of “crimes against refugees”.
She also prayed that “year 10 students are taught … the key lesson for life as a worker: join your union”.
Yet this zealot was funded by a clueless Liberal federal government to help design and run the Safe Schools Coalition Victoria, which claims to fight the bullying of gay children but has a more radical agenda.
It actually tells teachers not to refer to students as “boys and girls”, saying this is “heterosexist”, and encourages children as young as 11 to pretend to be gay and to consider their gender something that “may change over time”.
All this was funded not just by the Abbott and Turnbull Liberal governments but with $600,000 from beyondblue, run by former Liberal premier Jeff Kennett.
Only when Ward denounced the Australian flag as “racist” and called for its Union Jack to be replaced with the red ensign of socialism did La Trobe University suspend her, only to buckle when the National Tertiary Education Union defended her as a victim of censorship. Roz Ward has been reinstated by La Trobe University.
Pardon? This same NTEU last year helped to drive out Lomborg, the sceptic, from two Australian universities, complaining he was “downgrading the importance to the world of climate change mitigation”.
What contemptible hypocrites.
And the lesson? See how the Liberals are weak in defending what few principles they have left?
See how quick they are to subsidise even their worst enemies?
See, on the other hand, how tribal are their opponents, defending their side and not their principles?
To the second example — the destruction of the CFA, the wonderful community organisation that fights fires in the bush.
Victoria’s Socialist Left Government has long wanted an excuse to pay off the militant-Left United Firefighters Union for helping it to win the last state election — a pay-off which the union says must include giving it more control over the pesky volunteers of the CFA.
Fair Work commissioner Julius Roe last week supplied that excuse. He ruled the UFU should get an effective veto power over CFA management, and its paid firefighters should be allowed to refuse orders from CFA volunteers.
Roe would say he’s just following the law as he sees it.
But it seems to me that the way he sees it is just as Labor would have counted on in 2009, when then Workplace Relations Minister Julia Gillard made him one of six new Fair Work commissioners. BLOG WITH ANDREW BOLT Labor is shamelessly partisan while the Liberals are almost shamefaced.Indeed, Roe, then president of the Left-wing Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union, was one of five who had a union background in a semi-judicial commission headed by a former ACTU official.
Yes, Gillard, later a Labor prime minister, was ruthless in embedding Labor people in key institutions, where they’d thrive even under Liberal governments.
For example, she appointed Jim Spigelman, former principal private secretary to Labor prime minister Gough Whitlam, as chairman of the ABC — a position he holds still.
One of her last moves was to have the new board of the Australia Council, in charge of arts funding, stacked with fellow travellers such as Muslim apologist Waleed Aly and former Labor adviser Sam Mostyn.
(So no surprise last month when the Australia Council — even under the Liberals — stripped all funding from Quadrant, the only conservative magazine it had supported, while propping up several lesser magazines of the Left.)
The Left has long boasted of its skill in stacking the bureaucracy in its “long march through the institutions”.
But while Labor is shamelessly partisan, the Liberals are almost shamefaced — and too often appoint the other side, as if scared to seem mean.
Compare and contrast. In Victoria, our most Left-wing state, the Bracks and Brumby Labor governments promoted no fewer than three former heads of Liberty Victoria to the judiciary.
One, Chris Maxwell, former principal private secretary to Labor attorney-general Gareth Evans, still heads the Court of Appeals.
But who did even Liberal ogre Tony Abbott appoint as Australia’s ambassador for women? Former Democrats leader Natasha Stott Despoja.
Who has current Liberal Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull had appointed as deputy head of his department to co-ordinate all his social policies? Former Greens candidate Lin Hatfield Dodds.
Who has NSW Liberal Premier Mike Baird now appointed to run his Education Department, in charge of the indoctrination of students? Mark Scott. If you wondered why you keep voting Liberal but see little change, now you sadly know.
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