Thursday, August 29, 2019

God's army is rising up...will you join us?

Elizabeth Johnston, aka the Activist Mommy

Church At The Gates Of Hell! 

Hello friends! How much do you genuinely believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to tear down strongholds?

So many of us have rolled over and played dead in the face of the horrific slaughter and dehumanization of the unborn over the last four decades.

This is changing. Revival is spreading across our nation, and let me tell you, God's people are moving mightily to put an end to the bloodshed in His name.

This is what my family and I saw first-hand during our trip out West this month, where we had the privilege to worship, pray, and do battle alongside some of these warriors.

Pastor Ken Peters has planted a church on the frontlines of the Spokane, Washington Planned Parenthood, where hundreds of believers gather together for just this. 

The experience was beyond words. This is the frontlines of the battle to end abortion, and if we keep doing this, the Lord WILL end it in Jesus name!! 

Folks, this is the passion each and every one of us need to have for life.

The Spirit is moving on God's people to join together in worship and spiritual battle in a way He never has before.

God's army is rising up...will you join us?

As you know, I was able to take this trip and bring 9 of my 10 children along thanks to your prayers and generosity. There are movements like this rising up all over the country, and we want to go encourage as many of them as we can.

But we can't do this without your help.

We need to join together as the Body of Christ to continue this fight, which is far from over. If you are willing to do battle with me, please consider giving to our ministry.

We are so grateful for those who stand with us in the fight to end the bloody practice of child sacrifice. Just as slavery is now unthinkable to us today, one day abortion will be illegal and just as unimaginable as slavery! This is our moment. It's time to end abortion once and for all. In Jesus' name!

For Christ & His Children,
Elizabeth Johnston
The Activist Mommy


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